Giraffe Conservation Foundation – Fundraising Prints

Did you know that Giraffe are listed as Vulnerable to Extinction and that less then 100,000 remain in the wild throughout Africa?
Whilst in some regions giraffe are doing well and their numbers are stable there are some areas in Africa which support species of giraffe that number just a few hundred to a few thousand individuals. They urgently need help to ensure their continued survival.
Last year I had the opportunity to travel to Kidepo Valley National Park in Uganda to work with the Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF) on their annual monitoring survey of the tiny population of endangered Nubian (formally Rothschild’s) giraffe in the region. Dr Julian Fennessy and his wife Steph, head up GCF and are doing an incredible job working throughout Africa to study giraffe and actively help create conservation strategies that are put into immediate affect.
Next month on the 21st June 2018 it is World Giraffe Day and GCF have set an ambitious target to raise US$250,000 to fund operation TWIGA III and support ongoing conservation efforts in Uganda.
TWIGA III will see giraffe being translocated from Murchison Falls National Park to bolster the population of 35 giraffe that currently exist in Kidepo Valley National Park. This will be there 4th translocation of giraffe in Uganda.
Having seen first hand the amazing work they do and spent time with the giraffe who will benefit from this incredible operation. I wanted to help them to reach this fantastic fundraising goal so I decided to put together a collection of five Giclee Prints that I am selling to raise money for GCF. I will be donating 100% of the profits from the sale of these prints to GCF to help them reach this target and safeguard the future for Kidepo’s giraffe.
Three of the prints are images that I captured in Kidepo whilst with the GCF and show the actual giraffe that will directly helped and impacted by the funds raised. I thought it was pretty cool to be able to show you the wild giraffe you will be helping should you chose to purchase one of the prints.
Please click here to view and purchase the prints from my online shop
Thank you so much for helping me to help Uganda’s Giraffe, it means the world to me and GCF to have your support.
If you would like to support GCF without buying a print, please visit their website where you can make a donation of any size directly to them, because as they say every little helps.
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